You fight so passionately,
but let me ask
you: Why?

Do you really know
whom you’re giving
your life for?

I tell you what
no one else did, so

About your dear gods,
that you worship and

Once I was just like them.
a god among gods.

But eager to learn more, so
I tried to

My fate took me to dark,
distant places.

I found the light of recognition
in a foreign

The source of life is
pure and sacred,

They say only that crystal
is to give new life to

Yet nothing,
but deception
was exposed by my research.

Facing unbearable nightmares,
my beliefs and hopes,
they left me in the lurch.

A second
source of life,
it’s in Cysalion.
A connection!

The act of love brings
new existence
into their own world.

My dear Silmatey,
she was with child,
the blood of my blood.

Yes, we fell in love
and ran away from
all the things we heard.

They sent a guard, I tell you,
it could never
have been worse,

to murder
the ones that I loved most
 in this universe.

My child and my dear wife,
they are both dead now.
But what for?

Hunted down by you, gods,
you’re rotten to
the core.

Gods, tell me,
is it true my sword
has spilled innocent blood there?

The death of unborn life, a burden
weighing on my
shoulders now.

Could it be
that the Enaiyens kept the
truth away from all eyes?

Are the Silmatey so much more
than we know?

Listen, Dargos,
I know that the pain
tears you apart.

But you’re divine,
remember it
and listen to your heart!

My heart, it died
along with them
when cruel fate struck that day,

when gods
abused their powers. I won’t
let them have their way!


No one will stop me, guardian.
Your efforts failed tonight.

Despite my warnings,
you’re still here and choose to fight.

At last the time has come now!
Rythans, come, hear my voice!

Bitterblood will gain the power.
Keep in mind this final hour.

The end is declared.
So now be prepared!


You gods, your time is over,
your world taken.
Pain beyond

From the blind world,
hordes of new gods
will ascend for

Utepion’s rising
from the ashes
will proclaim their

And Enedion’s lost
in history.

Weitere Beiträge zum Musical

Presse und Rezensionen

Hier bieten wir euch aktuelle Pressebeiträge aus der Welt von Cysalion an. Entweder online anschauen oder bequem als PDF-Download herunterladen. weiterlesen

CD Trackliste

Akt 1 Lied 01: Helden der Garde / ANETA / TARA Lied 02: Flamme von Hegar / DECEM / JADE / MELVENLied 03: Formidables Regat weiterlesen

John Oechtering

Als er etwa acht Jahre alt war, drückte ihm sein Vater vertrauensvoll seine Canon AE-1 in die Hand und sagte weiterlesen

Jan Glembotzki

Der Meister der Musik! Jan Glembotzki lebt mit seinem Sohn in Japan, wuchs als Sohn einer Schauspielerin und eines Komponisten weiterlesen

Releases & Publications

Regisseur und Produzent Marc Blasweiler ließ sein Werk „Das Schicksal von Cysalion“ von 2010 bis 2014 mehrfach als Live-Action-Fantasymusical auf weiterlesen
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