Pride and chaos!
Treason and arrogance!
The world is dull,
deprived of glory long ago.

Hate, deception,
malice and ignorance.
The gods are silent,
yet to them the people bow.

Mirrors casting growing shadows
in the twilight of the time.
Darkness will bear another light.
The bells of future chime.

Grief and suffering,
drowning in the pain.
Soon our world is swallowed
by this black, endless ocean.

Fear and horror.
Your hearts will go insane.
Receive your wounds, behold,
bend your knees in devotion!

Soon you will see how I
wipe the smiles off your faces,
when all that`s left for you
is darkness throughout all the places.

will rise again!

But all your whining, begging,
crying is for nothing.
The unstoppable end of
your pathetic life is coming.

See the Guardians,
only minions.
The Enaiyens
in tyrant’s pose.

And all humans
void of virtue.
They play choirboys
in their shows!

A dark gate showed
me the way.
You will see my revenge!

Thanks to your arrogance,
new powers come to light.
You’ll be begging the true gods for mercy,

I will enjoy your woes.
Your mourning is my pleasure.
And soon you will be
burying everyone you treasure.

Mirrors casting growing shadows
in the twilight of the time.
A dark gate in Cysalion.
The bells of future chime.

Holding the fate in my hands.
You’re stunned while I ascend.
But fear not my dear children.
It is about to end!

See them!
Praise them!
Your mighty judges!
Your superior new Gods!



The Rythans!

The Rythans!

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Behind the Scenes

Sorry! Dieser Bereich ist derzeit noch geschlossen. Doch mit der Zeit werden sich die Türen öffnen! weiterlesen
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