I wish I could just once
live my life
like humans do,
seeing Hegars´s lights
in thousand nights.

I wish I was right there
where the sky's the limit,
so I

ANETA (Spoken)
could even be a hero in the guard.

Oh, you always speak
of people here
and heroes there.

I`ve never seen
them anywhere.

You are quite naive,
blinded by shining
gold and fame.

TARA (Spoken)
In the end, all realms are the same!

I know for sure
my fate is waiting there.
Right at that place
with royal flair.

Nuts! You know all too well
there is no place like our home.
It doesn't matter which
places you roam.

How can you even think
of leaving everything you know?
You should not go!

There's no way I
will change my mind.
When are you
gonna learn?

To be a human,
that’s my dream.
I’m waiting for
my turn!

The royal guard,
that is my goal.
It may seem
strange to you.

There's nothing that
I wouldn't do
to make this dream
come true.

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